Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Top 10 Ways to Get Others To Help You Write A Book

10. Pick a topic you love or want to use to build credibility and expert status.

9. Ask other people who have articles on your topic online to contribute to your book.

8. Offer free advertising on your website to anyone who contributes to your book

7. Put an ad on inviting experts on your topic to write 500-1000 words.

6. Hold a contest for the most interesting or original ideas on your topic.

5. Collect your favorite articles on your topic and put them in a file. Then show them to the author and ask them if they would like to remain part of the book. If not replace them with someone else who does.

4. Interview friends, clients, associates or people on the street to share their best tips on your chosen topic. Take good notes or tape record the interviews. Then type out the notes or hire someone else to transcribe them.

3. List all the topics you want to cover in the book. Then tell a friend you'll send them an e-mail on one chapter or section everyday or five or more a week until your book is complete. Write the e-mail as if you were writing a normal e-mail about something you couldn't wait to share with your friend. Before you know it you'll have all your ideas laid out and you can hire someone to go back and edit the text.

2. Write for a specific audience in mind. If your topic is on home repair, choose an even narrower topic such as home repair for single moms or first time home owners. That way you already have your audience to market to in place. For marketing tips that sizzle send an e-mail to: with the subject: Marketing Tips That Sizzle.

1. Hire a writing coach that can:
-Show you the most marketing savvy ways to present your ideas.
-Help you package your material in multiple formats so you give your clients what they want, NOT what you think they want.
-Build a following of loyal fans who can't wait for your next product or service to be for sale.


Ruth Anne Wood, Director
Scripting for Success TM
We help people take your dreams out of the drawer
by helping you write, market and publish:
Books, Client interactive web content, Documentaries and Plays.

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